Black Magic Big Band Logo
Performing Live Every Monday Night in Busker Brownes at 10pm.
Admission: Free

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Performing live at Busker Brownes every Monday night


At Last

The band's second album, entitled 'At Last' was launched on Thursday, June 5th, 2008, in the Radisson Hotel, Galway. The album was almost a year in the making and the band worked hard to produce what they believe to be one of the best big band albums Ireland has ever heard.

The CD features Garrett Phillips, Keith McDonald and Barbara Vulso at their vocal best, with some of the country's finest soloists also featured. With something for everyone on the album, from Sinatra classics to funk, it truly is a fantastic offering from Galway's premiere big band. The band still enjoys it's Monday night residency, which has run for years now, and admission is now FREE every Monday.

This latest CD is approximately 1 hour in length, and consists of 13 tracks:

  1. Basie straight ahead
  2. Moondance (vocal - Keith McDonald)
  3. My Funny Valentine (vocal - Barbara Vulso)
  4. Fireshaker
  5. The Way You Look Tonight (vocal - Keith McDonald)
  6. Live and Let Die
  7. The Lady is a Tramp (vocal - Garrett Phillips)
  8. Quintessance (Bertrand Huvé)
  9. At Last (vocal - Barbara Vulso)
  10. Love For Sale
  11. Caravan (live)
  12. Ain't that a kick in the head (live vocal - Garrett Phillips)
  13. Birdland (live)

30 second snippets of all of the above tracks can be found on the 'Listen to the Band' section of this Web site.

The CD is available for purchase for the discounted price of 10 euro at every one of the Black Magic Big Band's performances.


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